As promised, I am going to tell all I can about how I store my ink pads. I have shared my method on Facebook and have had plenty of comments, both for and against this method. Some of the comments stated they could not get the ink pads to go in easily and the racks broke. I have NOT had that experience so far. Without further ado, let me explain my system to you.
The medium I am using to store my ink pads is called "Atlantic Media Stix". These are CD/DVD storage racks that you hang on the wall. They come with all the hardware needed to hang them, including drywall anchors. As you can see, the holders ANGLE UP and all of my Stampin' Up! ink pads are tilted slightly up. So far, I have not noticed any kind of leakage or drying from the pads sitting this way - I have had this system for about a year now. Pads other than the Stampin' Up! Classic pads also fit but they DO NOT angle upward.
I love my Atlantic Media Stix. I have all of my ink pads stored by color family and in the exact order shown in the catalog - In Colors, Brights, Subtles, Regals, and Neutrals. Plus there is plenty of room to put specialty pads on the racks as well, I have Sta-zon, Memento Black and White Craft, Gold and Silver Encore pads, and Versa-Mark. At one point I even had some of my Ranger Distress Inks on the Media Stix too.
Media Stix Tips:
- DO NOT SKIP THE DRYWALL ANCHORS. The anchors keep the Media Stix from falling off the wall or tearing up your drywall in case you do not have a stud behind each one to act as an anchor.
- Each of the Media Stix mount with two screws - a top and a bottom. You can even stack the Media Stix to make it DOUBLE the length - the screw holes line up to create a LONG rack. I chose to keep mine half the length since I am a shorty.
- When putting your pads into the rack, Stampin' Up! Classic pads will need to be tilted and they should slide in easily. Other pads just go in straight - they are harder to put in but will stay even though they look awkward going in the rack.
- I noticed that on Amazon, they show how to stack two Media Stix to make one long one - please note that the image is upside down from how it needs to be hung to hold your ink pads correctly. The rack should be hung with its slots angled up!
- Media Stix are plastic racks - so make sure where ever you hang them, they are not exposed to extreme heat and cold. Plastic tends to get brittle and they may damage more easily if so.
- Media Stix also make a great way to store your stamp sets - I don't currently store mine this way but I have considered it. I have put my clear mount stamp sets in the racks below the ink pads and they held up nicely.
Amazon has prices that range from as low as 9.88 per set of 4. You can also pick up 4 sets for a total of 16 racks for about $30 (before shipping) - if you have a couple friends nearby that wants to chip in you could save some $$$. That's enough racks for THREE friends to share (with 1 left over) at just over $10 each with shipping!
* My Amazon link above is NOT an affiliate link. I do not make any money when you click this link to purchase the Media Stix. In addition, I truly love my Media Stix and no one has solicited me to do this product review. I really do use these every day and have for over a year!

Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator
Disclaimer: I am a new Stampin' Up! demonstrator. I am working on replacing all my craft supplies with only Stampin' Up! product, but I will occasionally use some of my non-SU stash. Bare with me as I work to replenish my stash with only SU product. I will be highlighting new products as they come in and I will always point out great alternatives to my non-SU product that are Stampin' Up!. Thanks for understanding.